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Global General Partner

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Established in Luxembourg, Global General Partner S.A. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BGL BNP Paribas created in 2014 to support the development of BNP Paribas Wealth Management Private Investments offering.

As an international platform for feeder fund management, Global General Partner provides BNP Paribas Wealth Management clients with a premium access to a selection of the best Private Investments funds while limiting costs borne by the investors.

Global General Partner is an Alternative Investment Fund management company (AIF) authorised by the Luxemburgish regulator, the CSSF, (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and compliant with the European Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD).





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What are Private Investments?

 "Our clients value our unique Private Investments Solutions which offer higher returns*, diversification
and low correlation to the financial markets. They also provide access to the real economy
and contribute to its development." 

                   Claire Roborel de Climents     
Global Head of Private & Alternative Investments 

*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No guarantee
is given on the success, profitability, return or benefit of this investment. 

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What is Private Equity? 

Support the growth of the unlisted companies around the world

What is Private Real Estate?

Invest in real-estate projects alongside the best asset managers    

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What is Private Infrastructure?

Invest alongside the best infrastructure funds in companies that provide an essential service to society

Discover more about Global General Partner

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Facilities for non-Professional Investors in Italy 

Informazioni sulle strutture messe a disposizione degli investitori in Italia 

ESG Integration

woman looking

Summary of investor’s rights



General Information


The Board of Directors of Global General Partner is in charge of establishing and maintaining the vision, mission and values of the Company. The Board ultimately supervises and monitors Global General Partner activities.

Cascading the Board vision and directives to all Global General Partner employees, the Senior Management is composed of 4 Conducting Officers in charge of a set of functions:

  • The Conducting Officer - Portfolio Management who’s also Global General Partner’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • The Conducting Officer - Fund Administration 
  • The Conducting Officer – Risk Management
  • The Conducting Officer – Compliance who’s also Global General Partner’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)